Why Recruiters May Not Disclose Opportunity Locations

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Why Recruiters May Not Disclose Opportunity Locations


We were recently asked by a physician why recruiters generally don’t disclose the location of the jobs they represent.

While I cannot speak for other recruiters I have worked for other recruiting firms in the past and I suspect the reasons are similar from one firm to the next.

There are 3 or 4 reasons in my experience the location isn’t initially disclosed.

Not in any particular order those reasons are:

– First, much of the information we have on a client is considered proprietary, including financial data, physician income information, compensation formulas, contracts and operational details.  Our clients have asked that we protect this information and disclose it to interested candidates only.

– Second, our clients (typically a hospital or healthcare system) have contracted with our firm to screen applicants for fit.  This includes qualifications, training and potential background issues. This is what a good recruiter does and what a client pays for when working with a reputable firm.

– Third, (I know this is hard to believe 😊) but many physicians have preconceived notions or prejudices about an area of the country or community and will not consider an opportunity based on erroneous information or because they are unfamiliar with a location.  I have many examples where once we were able to address concerns physicians considered and accepted practices in communities that prior to speaking with them they would not have considered. These “candidates” learned that what they were looking for was available in a location they might not have ever considered.  That reminds me of the book by Dr. Seuss – Green Eggs and Ham.

Forth and perhaps of least concern with our clients is on rare occasion a candidate will circumvent the process and contact our client directly, thus depriving us of our opportunity to earn our fee.  It would be a shame if you disqualified an otherwise attractive practice option because you needed to take a moment to speak with a recruiter.  Regarding this – A good recruiter has seen many practices in many locations and can assist you in sorting through dozens of options, provide invaluable insight, save you time in the process and doesn’t charge you a thing.

So respond to that email, set up a time to speak with a recruiter and see how he or she can assist you the next step in your career or with your next locum tenens assignment.

If you have any questions on how to set your healthcare facility apart from the rest, call us any time and we will share some ideas with you.

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